Vellandreath Valley - Sennen Birdwatching Website

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Vellandreath Valley


Vellandreath Valley lies at the northeastern side of Sennen , under the high ground of Carn Barges and Sunny Corner Lane.
The valley runs from the main A30 northwest to the sea and has varied bird habitat ranging from scrub to sandy grass ; with two streams flowing down and converging just inland of the cottages.

Vellandreath upper valley Vellandrath upper valley
The upper part of Vellandreath - particularly on the northeastern flank - is covered in scrub ; with privots and similar bushes along the high side of the main path. There is dense undergrowth in the beds of both streams.

Vellandreath lower valley Vellandreath lower valley

The lower valley has a few hardy, weather beaten trees which are popular with warblers and tits . The grass is on sandy soil and short-cropped, with patches of exposed sand.
The stream terminates on the eastern end of Sennen Beach , and the fresh water exit across the sand is a popular spot for gulls and waders (mainly Oystercatchers).

The cliff path continues to the north from the bottom of Vellandreath, passing the `Black Hut` and continuing under Carn Barges ; where one-time cultivated meadows have grown in , but the stone hedges remain intact. This area , with its fence-posts , hedging and sandy soil is very popular with Wheatears.

Vellandreath is a `mini north coast valley` - it is very much underwatched , though has produced American Golden Plover, several Hoopoe and Golden Oriel.....who can say what has gone undetected from this lovely valley facing the Atlantic - it could be well worth a visit !

Vellandreath Directions

There are three ways to reach Vellandreath :-
By road , turn off the A30 into Sunny Corner Lane - at the eastern entrance to Sennen at the top of the hill. About 300 yards down Sunny Corner Lane there is a parking area for a few cars. The footpatch from here leads down into Vellandreath Valley.

The footpath crosses from the main road to Sennen Cove, about 100 yards from its junction with the A30....there is room for a few cars to park along the road to Mayon Green Crescent. This route also covers Mayon Green and the upper parts of the valley.

The cliff path ( or walk across the beach) from Sennen Beach Car Park leads directly to Vellandreath.
Vellandreath Valley .   Lat / Long - 50°04.8`N , 5°41.4`W.   NGR 363:266
Accommodation near Vellandreath

Venton Vean Apartment is the nearest accommodation featured on our site.....5 minutes gentle walk from the bottom of Vellandreath

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